How to increase potency in men?

How to improve sexual potency in men

Relationships with the opposite sex are of great importance for any man. It is not surprising that the emergence of problems with impotence, always accompanies low self-esteem. Therefore, it is important to take measures to correct erectile dysfunction.

The initial symptoms of attenuation of the power

After 50 years, the men notice the appearance of complications in the intimate sphere. This is understandable, because the changes resulting from age, sooner or later affect everyone. Aggravate the situation, factors such as the presence of disease, with chronic disease of the current, and is associated with the reception of medications. Often, in this age it produces a hormone imbalance, which also prevents the sexual activity.

There is a problem with impotency, show the following moments of anxiety:

  1. the decrease of the libido;

  2. premature ejaculation and the consequent reduction of the time of the intimate proximity;

  3. the weakening of the erection during the sexual act;

  4. the loss of erection in the morning.

Some men, in becoming aware of these negative changes, it is easy to see the problem, he could see the exhaustion and stress. Others, on the contrary, they imagine a situation exclusively in the black light and are considered helpless. And the others are wrong. This type of disease, such as erectile dysfunction, is necessary and can be treated. Likewise, for the treatment and prevention, you can use the tool in the form of capsules. The first inkling that the sexual impotence you should consult with a specialist. After the completion of the required tests, the doctor will request an individual treatment plan. Can be combined with success the use of drugs or the company of dietary supplements. If you do not postpone the visit to the doctor, and the doctor does not run the disease, can in the short-term return above the quality of the erection.

How to increase the power of the

The first thing that is worth reflecting a man with a function, it is a lifestyle change. First of all, you have to review gastronomic addiction. The abundance in the daily diet of animal fats and cured meats, the overhead of the liver, the lack of fiber leads to chronic constipation and auto-intoxication of the organism. And the lack of vitamins makes a person weak. Here already just not before you have sex, it could survive.

Even, by simply changing the set of producers of food products, you can achieve the desired result. Man, at any age, the following components are required for the power supply:

  • stews or cooked the meat as source of protein;

  • all kinds of nuts;

  • red fish, and shellfish;

  • honey - in the case of allergies;

  • fresh vegetables in all its manifestations;

  • by season - local fruits and vegetables.

The consumption of hot beverages having to resign. The varieties of alcohol is more harmful affects to the erectile function in the beer. Passion leads to hormonal an error. In the male body enhances the production of the female hormone estrogen, a hormone that inhibits testosterone and reduces to nothing the libido. A great lends an aid in the treatment of sexual weakness therapeutic exercise. Execution of the special complex of exercises to help to solve the stagnation of blood in the groin area and to contribute to the solution of problems. Complying with all recommendations of the doctor, you can achieve the desired goals and to enjoy life in all its manifestations.